Don’t Covid-19 the Boat

Living with Covid-19 has called for many uncertainties. People question how to do daily activities safely to keep themselves and others healthy. The same goes for getting back into favorite pastimes, such as boating. Covid-friendly boating is possible once you establish your comfort level and practice the necessary safety measures.

Boating With Others

If you are ready to get out on the water with family and friends, know the steps you can take to ensure a healthy adventure. Follow the below for the safest experience:

  • Keep the gathering small.
  • Know the vaccination status of all attendees.
  • Consider asking your guests to get Covid tested before the outing.
  • Ask guests to keep some space between themselves.
  • Offer facemasks. 

The Solo Sailor

If you aren’t ready for a group outing quite yet, you can still stay active and keep your boat relevant. Plan to work on any needed maintenance or cleaning. Also, consider picking up new safety courses or spend time sharpening boating skills and knowledge. It is an excellent time to start planning future outings, too. Of course, you can sail by yourself, enjoying only the company of the water.

A variety of options exist to make boating a pleasant and healthy activity throughout Covid. Decide what you are comfortable with, and sail from there.