Locating a Lost Life Policy

If you believe you are a beneficiary of a life insurance policy but are unable to locate any printed documents, all is not lost. There are several ways to track down a lost life policy and determine whether or not you can file a claim.

Searching Online

If the paperwork is lost, you probably don’t even know which company issued the policy. Fortunately, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) can be of assistance, provided you have certain information about the deceased, including:

  • their social security number
  • full legal name
  • birthdate
  • date of death

This information should be available on the individual’s death certificate, which will be required for obtaining further information. In addition, you will need to know in which state the policy was originally purchased.

Other Avenues

If you cannot get information on a lost life policy from NAIC, you can attempt searching through the deceased’s financial records and documents. However, if you are not a family member, you’ll need to get their consent. Other persons that may be worth contacting include financial advisors, bankers and insurance agents from whom the deceased purchased auto or other types of coverage. 

Locating a lost life policy can be challenging if you are not related to the insured. However, it is not impossible; a bit of detective work can at least establish the policy’s existence.